Throwmore 2024: The Spring Cliffhanger Week 4

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at Warriors Path State Park (soccer fields) in Kingsport, Tennessee
Disc golf singles tournament

About this tournament

Tee Times start at 8:00 am
Need to have at least three on a card to play!
8 Long to short
10 Left Basket
11 Long
15 Left Basket
17 Long
To keep score you go to or use the pdga scoring app.
Live scoring code for this week is: Cliffside
Registration will close the night before the event. Hopefully allowing everyone the opportunity to find card mates for their round.

League Points will be included in the Appalachian Pro/Am Disc Golf Tour. Info found here

We have weekly payout so you aren't missing out even if you have no interest in the league finale.

$10 Entry fee breakdown:
$3 for park fees and PDGA fees
$2 held back within each division for end of the year finale payout

Refund policy

Throwmore Disc Golf Store is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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